Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The Power of The #FitFam

So I'll let you in on a little secret:

The best way to enhance a lifestyle towards continued fitness is by building a close-knit #fitfam.

I'm lucky, I have an amazing one.

Allow me to introduce you to my roommate Michelle.  She's a powerhouse.  When she commits to something, she's all in.  Whether it's work, fitness, relationships, eating clean... she inspires me every day.  When I can't get myself out of bed, she's already safely, thoughtfully, and strategically training/meal planning. 

Next up is Gabby.  I've never met anyone with a more positive attitude.  You can't help but smile around her, and train harder.  And the woman does it with a family.  Every time I think I can't do something I chant "If Gabby can do it"...

I'm also lucky enough that my real fam is my #fitfam.  My mother and I are linked on the MyFitnessPal App and share our work outs (Some weeks she gets to the gym more than me!).  And of course, my sister who time and time again holds me accountable for my goals and checks in to see how I'm doing, while inspiring me by prioritizing her fitness while raising two beautiful (active) children.  My cousin Stacey who's upper body strength has inspired me for years.  Honourable mention to my beautiful Aunts (Brenda, Jane, Mary) as they share their journeys.

And let's not forget my work #fitfam.  Fitness in my office is encouraged from the top down.  My CEO is an avid Boxer and encourages everyone to prioritize their health.  I have a coworker (Shaneeza) I work out with after work, or go for walks with during lunch.  Everyone doesn't have this luxury, and I'm thankful that I have it, the encouragement that I get from (all) of my coworkers about my fitness journey has been critical to my success.

For continued encouragement and sporadic work outs: special mention to Danielle, Delia, Luci, Keerthana, Jesse + Julia, Meaghan, & Sarah. 

So here are 5 tips for building your own #fitfam:

1. Talk to people about your fitness journey! I find a lot of people like to keep their fitness routine private, usually as a means to hold themselves accountable, and not do it for other people.  But if you don't share your journey with anyone, they won't be able to join, and ultimately enhance the adventure!

2. Be supportive.  Your #fitfam is a relationship.  Everyone goes at a different pace.  As much as your #fitfam supports you to be at your best, support them as well.  Send encouraging texts, talk to them about their goals and find ways to help (if they want it).

3. Be honest.  Everyone has an off day/week/month here or there. Be honest with your #fitfam about your limits, time constraints, and motivation.  If you can't make a work out, you can't.  Don't over commit, and be straight forward about your goals and progress.

4. Have fun!  When my friends want to hang out I usually try to suggest something active first.  A dance class, a walk, a swim, some sort of physical challenge or adventure.  Every hang out session doesn't need to be dinner and drinks, make your fitness journey a social experience.

5. Remember, no two journeys are the same.  Make your fitness journey your own.  There is no need to mimic the exact routine of your #fitfam.  It might not be what's best for you.  Likewise, don't try to drag your friends to things they don't want to do.  It's one thing to introduce them to something new, but if your #fitfam isn't into dance and you are, by all means go!  Go it alone, or find other friends to do dance classes with.  This way your routine is not completely dependent on one or two people, it always starts with you.

So... let's work out together?  

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