Monday, March 7, 2016

When the Universe is against you

Every time I'm on a roll it feels like something knocks me off:

I get sick.

I find myself unreasonably busy with work (or a campaign takes over my life).

Life simply gets in the way.

Today, I was determined to ensure nothing would stop me.

Excellence in everything I do. (I chanted in my head throughout the day... Actually, I was chanting Black Excellence but I digress.)

When my alarm went off at 5:00am playing She's a Bad Mama Jama I hopped out of bed, showered, made breakfast and made my way... to work.

From 6:30am - 5:00pm I committed myself to excellence for my clients and research projects at the office.

At precisely 5pm the Universe turned against me.

I was signed up to my first ever Hoola Hooping class with Sugar Hoops taking place at Bloor and Dovercourt at 6pm.

I had more than enough time to make it to the class except, I forgot to put socks in my gym bag.  Oops.  I made my first detour to the nearest drug store to grab a pair.

Next I had a choice to take the Bay bus up to Bloor, and Bloor subway across to Ossington, or the Yonge subway line up to Bloor.  I decided the subway would be faster.  BIG MISTAKE.  TTC delay at the stop ahead.  I got off at College and decided to take the streetcar across to Ossington and the Ossington bus up.  Except, no one ever told me that the Ossington bus never (ever) comes.

I was going to be late.  Not super late.  But late enough that I would disrupt the class, and seeing as it was my first time I didn't want to make a bad impression.  I decided to press on.  Maybe I should jump in this cab...

And just like that, the bus appeared!  Perfect!  No need for the cab...

Except, the bus was full.

Nope.  Not today.

I pushed my way onto the bus with my big gym bag and brief case.  Determined.

When I finally reached the building I was struck with it's beauty.  The Dovercourt House  was filled with gorgeous high-ceiling studios, murals, and a warm welcoming vibe that made the trek totally worth it.

Even though I was late, the class hadn't even started yet.  I had time to sign in, go to the washroom, and relax a bit.

The instructor was incredibly friendly.  She showed me which hoola hoops to try first and helped me get started.  The class was a completely body positive space filled with women of all ages, shapes, and backgrounds.  There were about 4 of us at the beginning and by the end of the class there were 8.

I could have been even more late and no one would have batted an eye!

It was a really lovely community of women, and even though I was trying hoola hooping for the first time in (at least) 18 years, I took to it rather well!

The best part of the way the class was structured was that while the instructor introduced new tricks and variations to hoola hooping, there was no pressure to over extend yourself.  At any point we were encouraged to just do what we felt like doing, hoop in the way that was the most comfortable for us.

Us.  I loved the sense of community in the class.  From first timers to experienced hoola hoopers.  Everyone shared a playful spirit.

"See you next Monday!" my new friend Tracy said as I headed out the door.

My body aches everywhere.

I'm not entirely sure that she will... :)

Tomorrow: Nike+ Training Club.

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