Saturday, March 5, 2016

A Good Stretch

This week I downloaded an app called Balanced.

It was meant to remind me on a daily/weekly/monthly basis to do all of the things that matter most to me.  I input that I wanted to read (at least) a chapter of a book every day, ensure I was staying up on local, Canadian, and world news for work (and not just on twitter!), writing in my journal on a daily basis, taking all of my vitamins and the like.

When the app asked me how often I wanted to stretch, I left it on the automatic suggestion of daily.  I stretch daily, don't I?  If I wasn't going to be hitting the gym, I could absolutely find some time in the morning, or while I'm catching up on my favourite show in the evening to stretch.  

I was surprised this week when it was more of a challenge to stretch every day than I imagined.  If a work out was cancelled unexpectedly where I intended to get a great stretch in, my app would gently remind me that I hadn't stretched that day.  

Knowing all of the benefits from stretching, I was surprised that I wasn't already doing it every day.  I pulled out a book on my shelf that went into detail about which muscles each stretch benefited and started to look at it strategically.  I needed to make this my focus, ensure not only that I was doing it every day, but that I was doing it the right way.

I had flashbacks of grade school, when we stretched before and after gym class, or before and after practice on all the sports teams.  It was as automatic as brushing my teeth.  When did that change?

So as I pursue a more "balanced" lifestyle, I'm determined to ensure that - every day - rain or shine, sick or spirited, busy or relaxed... I will ensure that I am incorporating a good stretch into my life.

I'm off to watch some House of Cards (like the rest of the world).  And stretch!

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