Friday, June 24, 2016

Commitment Ready

It's been a minute since my last post.

I found myself busy:

  1. Planning trips (or rather letting other people plan trips and then going on them... thank you and sorry Michelle and Tamara).  Paris down, Atlanta here we come!
  2. Trying to find my Excellence at work.
  3. Watching Netflix (Entire series reviews of NashvilleBrooklyn Nine-Nine, and The Good Wife)
  4. Exploring the city of Toronto like a true Wanderer.
  5. Putting my skills to use volunteering on boards for causes I am passionate about.
  6. Writing, performing, and trying to find time to record music.
There was also a down week where I got sick, was forced to learn how to be an adult and eliminate insects, and had my beloved iphone stolen.

So have I kept up my fitness routine in the craziness?  

Not in it's previous form.

I found myself moving from my exploration stage of working out where I wanted to try everything under the sun, to a more comfortable pace with a few key favourites: Running, Kickboxing, and Swimming.

Even when I didn't schedule it, my body would tell me when I needed to do one of these things.  One day Casa Loma was calling me so loudly that I couldn't ignore it.  I threw on my gear and ran 7.5km to the castle - I even did the Baldwin Steps Rocky style at the end (but was subsequently swarmed by mosquitos and fled).

I put my Classpass on hold while I was travelling and in my scaled down version found myself only wanting to go to Kickboxing classes.  I think it might be time to take that to the next level and get a trainer.

And what is summer if not for swimming?  Some days I wear a bathing suit under my clothes because I know, with certainty, that I will end up in a pool somewhere. (Always be prepared!)

So I think, after all of the work-out dating, I'm ready to make a commitment.  First of all, to a gym where there is a sense of community.  (I'm considering the Adelaide Club, will happily accept feedback).  

And running more regularly with an effort to improve my speed and form.  I'm able to run a consistent 10k right now non-stop, and would love to see how much farther my body can go when I ask it.

The beauty of running is that it can be done anywhere/anytime.  It allows me to take advantage of the beautiful summer weather, explore the city, and free my mind.

So if these past 6 months have been about finding my work-out groove and seeing what I like, I have to say, I love how it's come together.  I also know that I'm young, and if other activities draw at my soul I will reincorporate them into the routine (Salsa lessons anyone?).

In the meantime, I think I'm ready to commit.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The Power of The #FitFam

So I'll let you in on a little secret:

The best way to enhance a lifestyle towards continued fitness is by building a close-knit #fitfam.

I'm lucky, I have an amazing one.

Allow me to introduce you to my roommate Michelle.  She's a powerhouse.  When she commits to something, she's all in.  Whether it's work, fitness, relationships, eating clean... she inspires me every day.  When I can't get myself out of bed, she's already safely, thoughtfully, and strategically training/meal planning. 

Next up is Gabby.  I've never met anyone with a more positive attitude.  You can't help but smile around her, and train harder.  And the woman does it with a family.  Every time I think I can't do something I chant "If Gabby can do it"...

I'm also lucky enough that my real fam is my #fitfam.  My mother and I are linked on the MyFitnessPal App and share our work outs (Some weeks she gets to the gym more than me!).  And of course, my sister who time and time again holds me accountable for my goals and checks in to see how I'm doing, while inspiring me by prioritizing her fitness while raising two beautiful (active) children.  My cousin Stacey who's upper body strength has inspired me for years.  Honourable mention to my beautiful Aunts (Brenda, Jane, Mary) as they share their journeys.

And let's not forget my work #fitfam.  Fitness in my office is encouraged from the top down.  My CEO is an avid Boxer and encourages everyone to prioritize their health.  I have a coworker (Shaneeza) I work out with after work, or go for walks with during lunch.  Everyone doesn't have this luxury, and I'm thankful that I have it, the encouragement that I get from (all) of my coworkers about my fitness journey has been critical to my success.

For continued encouragement and sporadic work outs: special mention to Danielle, Delia, Luci, Keerthana, Jesse + Julia, Meaghan, & Sarah. 

So here are 5 tips for building your own #fitfam:

1. Talk to people about your fitness journey! I find a lot of people like to keep their fitness routine private, usually as a means to hold themselves accountable, and not do it for other people.  But if you don't share your journey with anyone, they won't be able to join, and ultimately enhance the adventure!

2. Be supportive.  Your #fitfam is a relationship.  Everyone goes at a different pace.  As much as your #fitfam supports you to be at your best, support them as well.  Send encouraging texts, talk to them about their goals and find ways to help (if they want it).

3. Be honest.  Everyone has an off day/week/month here or there. Be honest with your #fitfam about your limits, time constraints, and motivation.  If you can't make a work out, you can't.  Don't over commit, and be straight forward about your goals and progress.

4. Have fun!  When my friends want to hang out I usually try to suggest something active first.  A dance class, a walk, a swim, some sort of physical challenge or adventure.  Every hang out session doesn't need to be dinner and drinks, make your fitness journey a social experience.

5. Remember, no two journeys are the same.  Make your fitness journey your own.  There is no need to mimic the exact routine of your #fitfam.  It might not be what's best for you.  Likewise, don't try to drag your friends to things they don't want to do.  It's one thing to introduce them to something new, but if your #fitfam isn't into dance and you are, by all means go!  Go it alone, or find other friends to do dance classes with.  This way your routine is not completely dependent on one or two people, it always starts with you.

So... let's work out together?  

Monday, March 7, 2016

When the Universe is against you

Every time I'm on a roll it feels like something knocks me off:

I get sick.

I find myself unreasonably busy with work (or a campaign takes over my life).

Life simply gets in the way.

Today, I was determined to ensure nothing would stop me.

Excellence in everything I do. (I chanted in my head throughout the day... Actually, I was chanting Black Excellence but I digress.)

When my alarm went off at 5:00am playing She's a Bad Mama Jama I hopped out of bed, showered, made breakfast and made my way... to work.

From 6:30am - 5:00pm I committed myself to excellence for my clients and research projects at the office.

At precisely 5pm the Universe turned against me.

I was signed up to my first ever Hoola Hooping class with Sugar Hoops taking place at Bloor and Dovercourt at 6pm.

I had more than enough time to make it to the class except, I forgot to put socks in my gym bag.  Oops.  I made my first detour to the nearest drug store to grab a pair.

Next I had a choice to take the Bay bus up to Bloor, and Bloor subway across to Ossington, or the Yonge subway line up to Bloor.  I decided the subway would be faster.  BIG MISTAKE.  TTC delay at the stop ahead.  I got off at College and decided to take the streetcar across to Ossington and the Ossington bus up.  Except, no one ever told me that the Ossington bus never (ever) comes.

I was going to be late.  Not super late.  But late enough that I would disrupt the class, and seeing as it was my first time I didn't want to make a bad impression.  I decided to press on.  Maybe I should jump in this cab...

And just like that, the bus appeared!  Perfect!  No need for the cab...

Except, the bus was full.

Nope.  Not today.

I pushed my way onto the bus with my big gym bag and brief case.  Determined.

When I finally reached the building I was struck with it's beauty.  The Dovercourt House  was filled with gorgeous high-ceiling studios, murals, and a warm welcoming vibe that made the trek totally worth it.

Even though I was late, the class hadn't even started yet.  I had time to sign in, go to the washroom, and relax a bit.

The instructor was incredibly friendly.  She showed me which hoola hoops to try first and helped me get started.  The class was a completely body positive space filled with women of all ages, shapes, and backgrounds.  There were about 4 of us at the beginning and by the end of the class there were 8.

I could have been even more late and no one would have batted an eye!

It was a really lovely community of women, and even though I was trying hoola hooping for the first time in (at least) 18 years, I took to it rather well!

The best part of the way the class was structured was that while the instructor introduced new tricks and variations to hoola hooping, there was no pressure to over extend yourself.  At any point we were encouraged to just do what we felt like doing, hoop in the way that was the most comfortable for us.

Us.  I loved the sense of community in the class.  From first timers to experienced hoola hoopers.  Everyone shared a playful spirit.

"See you next Monday!" my new friend Tracy said as I headed out the door.

My body aches everywhere.

I'm not entirely sure that she will... :)

Tomorrow: Nike+ Training Club.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

A Good Stretch

This week I downloaded an app called Balanced.

It was meant to remind me on a daily/weekly/monthly basis to do all of the things that matter most to me.  I input that I wanted to read (at least) a chapter of a book every day, ensure I was staying up on local, Canadian, and world news for work (and not just on twitter!), writing in my journal on a daily basis, taking all of my vitamins and the like.

When the app asked me how often I wanted to stretch, I left it on the automatic suggestion of daily.  I stretch daily, don't I?  If I wasn't going to be hitting the gym, I could absolutely find some time in the morning, or while I'm catching up on my favourite show in the evening to stretch.  

I was surprised this week when it was more of a challenge to stretch every day than I imagined.  If a work out was cancelled unexpectedly where I intended to get a great stretch in, my app would gently remind me that I hadn't stretched that day.  

Knowing all of the benefits from stretching, I was surprised that I wasn't already doing it every day.  I pulled out a book on my shelf that went into detail about which muscles each stretch benefited and started to look at it strategically.  I needed to make this my focus, ensure not only that I was doing it every day, but that I was doing it the right way.

I had flashbacks of grade school, when we stretched before and after gym class, or before and after practice on all the sports teams.  It was as automatic as brushing my teeth.  When did that change?

So as I pursue a more "balanced" lifestyle, I'm determined to ensure that - every day - rain or shine, sick or spirited, busy or relaxed... I will ensure that I am incorporating a good stretch into my life.

I'm off to watch some House of Cards (like the rest of the world).  And stretch!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Weeks like these

This was one of those weeks.

You know the kind.

One of those weeks when my work, passion projects, and social life made it IMPOSSIBLE to get to the gym.  

There were late nights catching up with old friends, early mornings making impossible things happen at the office, hours lost sweating the small stuff, all nighters traveling between Ottawa and Toronto, laundry (at some point), and, of course, the highlight of my week: Singing for the first time on Parliament Hill in Ottawa at a Black History Month event with the Prime Minister!

Safe to say it was a busy week.  I didn't even have time to obsess about a crush.  Those who know me know I can always find time to obsess about a good crush.

I didn't get to the gym.  I couldn't even imagine getting to the gym.  

But here are the two ways I kick myself back into action when I start to think "I'm too busy":

1. I'm always going to be this busy.  And at some point (hopefully) I'll also have a husband, kids, and a household to manage.  So I'm going to need to learn how to make this work.

2. If Michelle Obama can work out every day (Yes, I know she has an entire staff, but go with me on this) I can too.

So tomorrow morning I'm going to hit the gym, and hard.  And then tomorrow evening I'm going to dance the night away at the Black Diamond Ball with my girls.

I can't let weeks like these stop me from taking care of me.

Friday, February 19, 2016

So You Think You Can Dance?

Anyone who knows me knows that I'm not exactly much of a dancer.

I mean, I can do the hustle... and with enough alcohol in my system and the right 90s slow jam playing (usually Ginuwine "Pony"), my body can move with the best of them.

But when it comes to choreography, I stiffen up.  I lose my balance, I can't get the steps right, or get my muscles to activate to the precision requested by the instructor.

This was a dance week.

I took beginner Dancehall and Hip Hop classes at the Underground Dance Centre.

I was petrified when I walked in for the first time.  I imagined a scene like "Fame" - A studio filled with long and lean dancers who can do this in their sleep.  It took all of my courage to go in and give it my best.

I was pleasantly surprised by the friendly and welcoming environment.  The beginner classes were filled with people just like me... beginners.

I followed along with the choreography, (usually losing it near the end), but was still very proud of myself for giving it a try at all.

I've come a long way from my very first dance class in August of last year with my friend and choreographer Jordan Washington.

Don't get me wrong, I'm under no delusions that with any amount of practice I'll be Beyonce.  I like to think of myself as more of a Jill Scott when it comes to music.  But I'm definitely having fun with it!

And with that, I'll leave you with a new song I jammed out with my buddy David Lee on Monday.  Take a listen and let me know what you think!

Sunday, February 14, 2016

A Valentine's Day Box

Is there a better way for a single gal to spend Valentine's Day?

I resisted the urge to go for the pink gloves and instead punched, kicked, and danced out all of my energy in white!

My form is still pretty terrible, but I'm better than I was last week.  In the meantime, I've signed up for a class next week to focus on technique.

So in honour of Valentine's Day, here are the top 5 things I ❤ about boxing:

1. It makes me feel powerful.
2. It requires cross training to have the endurance, flexibility, strength, control and agility to be great.
3. It has real life applications (Human weapon for the win!)
4. It's fun.  Like, really, ridiculously fun.
5. The stress relief that comes with punching something repeatedly is unmatched.

So right now, I'd say we're just casually dating.  But the more time we spend together, the closer I get to committing.

Happy Valentine's Day friends!